Guide for beginner's For Dota 2


Hey everyone i'm Ebad and welcome to  guide for dota 2.

About Post:

In this post is going to be for anybody

who's new or who's trying to get into

dota from scratch from ground zero who

hasn't really ever played the game or

has only played the game a little bit

i'm going to show you how to get into

the game how to start learning the game

and what to do after you've you know

mastered some of the basics but then how

to get to like progressing getting

better ranking up all of those things.

Start from here:

The general mindset that you want to

have and all of those kinds of things

but just we're gonna start out what to

do when you boot up the game for the

first time or you just you know start

the game you don't have any idea. well when you start the

game it might just put you in straight

to the tutorial depending on some of the

options you pick but if it doesn't you

can just go to the learn tab here and

you can find all of the new player

experience stuff from here and even if

you kind of know a little bit about dota

or you've played another similar game

i would still play through all of this

because dota's going to have some

mechanics that you may not know even if

you think you know some of the mechanics

or a lot of the mechanics just go

through all of this it doesn't take that

long you know some of these are three

minutes three minutes five minutes that

kind of stuff and it'll just show you

all of the basics and once you have that

then you'll have kind of a basic

understanding of all the things like the

towers and the ancient and all of that

kind of stuff purchasing items leveling

up your hero teleporting anything like

that and so i don't really have to go

through that because thankfully valve

has that here for you but then

once you're done with this you might be

asking okay well what do i do now well

if you ever want

to learn anything or you have a question

this learn tab is always here has a

glossary of different mechanics there's

a lot of mechanics here in dota it also

has all of the items listed here as well.

So you can see what they do and you know

what they build into and everything when

you select one you can see the

components and what it builds into and

all of those different things and then

the other important obvious one is all

of the heroes so if you select the hero

tab you can see all of the heroes here

and you can select any of them and see

their abilities and what they do and

have like you know here's your uh

cosmetics and all of that stuff and so

this is important that you obviously can

start learning some of the heroes but

the way that you do that is by clicking


and going up here

either to practice with bots or the new

player mode whichever kind of one i

would say

this is just default but then you can do

practice with bots if you find that you

don't like this

as much or you're playing with other

people or whatever it is you can just do

the practice with bots default so you

know you're practicing with bots and you

can select the difficulty and everything

and this is how you can kind of get into

your first game you can try out a hero

you can try out the movement you can try

out everything that you learned and

that's what i would suggest doing you

can play as many of these as you want

until you're like you know ready to get

into playing with real people it's up to

you i would say you should at least be

able to like beat easy you should be

able to beat passive maybe easy before

pretty consistently before you jump into

a real game because you know there's all

kinds of crazy levels of experience um

and ability with this game but if you're

really that new and you don't have the

ability to beat you know easy bots you

should at least do that.

Um and this is where obviously you can

experiment with all kinds of heroes and

all that kind of stuff but if you really

want to learn what a hero does and

you're just interested and you don't

really know what the heroes do you can

always click on them and just click demo


so you can do this with any hero and

it'll put you in a kind of small little

lobby it's not a full game this is how i

make hero guides it's pretty simple you

can have you can kind of do anything

here you can spawn enemies you can level

the enemies up you can spawn dummy

targets give yourself free spells level

yourself to max do all of these things

and then you can just experiment with

what all of the abilities do with the

attack animation with the damage with

the walking everything about a hero and

this is the best way to just learn the

basics of a hero if you're you know

curious about what the hero does so

those are all the ways to start learning

the heroes and you know learning the

game um do the tutorial you know look up.

Some of the items look at some of the

heroes play some bot matches and all

that kind of stuff so let's say you have

that all out of the way you know some of

the heroes you know some of the items

you played against bot matches you're

sick of that you're a little bit bored


the first thing that you're going to

want to do is you're going to want to

play unranked all pick

and when you do that you're going to

want to pick

one hero and spam that hero maybe two if

that hero gets picked or that hero is

like banned or whatever um then you can

pick another hero basically you want to

have a main hero

that you're gonna spam and how you pick

that hero is by going down here and

clicking complexity

so you click this little one thing and

it gives you all of the pretty simple

and straightforward heroes that you can

play so i would say just pick one of

these heroes whatever one you think is

coolest it doesn't even matter if it's

just because it looks cool or you mean

or i mean you look at the abilities or

you played with it a little bit or you

played against it and you think it's

like interesting just pick one whatever

one it is and just play that it can be

mid it can be support it can be carry it

can be literally anything but just play

this hero.

for about 100 200 whatever games a few

hundred games and the reason why you're

going to do this is because it's going

to allow you to understand that hero

what it does but it's also going to

allow you to learn every hero

in the context of that one hero so i i

actually started out the game many many

years ago

playing drow i basically picked a drow

and i went mid every single game i

played with some friends and stuff and i

just did this for about 200 games maybe

maybe even 300 i don't know it was a lot

of games that i played drow mid and what

this did for me is this allowed me to

learn not only how she wins games and

what she does and all of her abilities

but it also allowed me to learn what

every other hero does because i learned

you know well if i'm against an earth

shaker this is what the earth shaker

does because the earth shaker stuns me

and can jump on top of me and all those

things with a blink and this and that

and it's harder for me to get away i

need to buy bkb or whatever it is i

learned about earthshaker in the context

of playing drow

and the same thing will be true for any

hero you'll learn what another hero does

so when you pick jug for instance

and you have this built-in magic

community bkb you'll learn what that

means you'll learn what abilities go

through that you'll learn what abilities

don't go through that what things can

kill you what things can't kill you and

all of that kind of stuff you'll learn

like how to position your hero where

it's very vulnerable that you'll die

like obviously if you just run into a

tower and you're gonna get killed by a

bunch of heroes you'll start learning

that all of those things and uh the

problem is a lot of times where you're

gonna die who kills you all of that

stuff is very hero specific so to start

learning that that's why you need to

pick that one hero and spam it because

that's how you're going to learn what

the other heroes do in the context of

that hero and it's very very important.

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