God Of War - The Story Behind Kratos - (Greek Mythology)


God Of War - The Story Behind Kratos - (Greek Mythology)

There is a game that many of you may be
familiar with a game that has introduced
an entire generation to Greek mythology
the game that has created a character so
iconic and epic that many people just
assume that he must have existed within
the Greek pantheon for those of you
still wondering I am indeed referring to
Kratos in the God of War franchise got
off initially launched in 2005 from the
PlayStation 2 and as far as it's fast
paced hack and slash combat system was a large part of its success can be
attributed to its story allowing the
plate to battle against the face as
creatures of Greek mythology and bring
down the Greek pantheon itself the story
is not much more than your classic
revenge and redemption story arc. 

But it integration of Greek mythology and the
creation of a world that brings so many
of the gods and monsters that people may
have never heard of to life is the main
reason that got a voice such a success
and why it is loved by millions across
the globe so the protagonist of our story as we mentioned earlier is of course.

Kratos a fierce Spartan warrior who began to rise
in the ranks as the youngest captain in
Spartan Army he had what looked to be a
very promising military career ahead of
him that was until he faced the
ever-growing barbarian threat in the
east the battle itself lasted for
several hours but the sheer size of the
Barbarian army was too much for the spot
and so overcome with the majority of his
men slain the young captain taqueria
looked like he would come to a premature
end but there was nothing that Kratos
valued more than victory so much so that
he would be willing to sacrifice
everything including his own soul.

In that moment kratos is desperate
quarter Ares was the only means of
victory but it was a decision that would
haunt Kratos for the rest of his
godly power he began destroying in
second cities at will which in turn
caused some concern amongst the rest of
the gods attempting to stop Kratos
Athena would resurrect the Colossus of
Rhodes but at this point you should also
intervene offering Kratos the Blade of
Olympus telling him that if he infused
the blade with all of his godly power he
would be able to defeat the Colossus but
what Kratos was unaware of was that when
he defeated the Colossus the blade will
so drain all of his power and leave him
weak and defenseless Zeus will then
reveal himself killing Kratos and once
again sending him back to the underworld.

But just like the first time Kratos
would not spend much time in the
underworld this sum he would be saved by
the goddess Gaea
and the two hatched up a plan to use a
luma feint to go back into time and
defeat Zeus Kratos would once again
return to the world of the living
but this time with a plan to kill Zeus
and any God that stood in his way for
those of you wondering why Zeus would
kill kratos in the first place
Zeus had learnt of a prophecy that
stated he will be killed by a marked
mortal and so he previously sent Athena
and Ares to find that mortal Ares would
come across a boy who was set a very
distinctive markings this boy was not
Kratos but he's younger brother Deimos
when he attempted to save his brother
from the God he was easily brushed aside
and only through the persuasion of
Athena was he allowed to live he's
failure to protect his brother caused
him to join the spartan army and in
order to honor Deimos he had a full-body
mimicking his birthmark
with Kratos his brother dead Zeus
naturally assumed the prophecy to now
refer to Kratos and thus why he took the
opportunity to kill him Kratos ventured
to the land of creation and after
defeating countless enemies he would use
the loom of fate to return to the exact
moment that he was killed by Zeus hoping
to change the outcome.

Kratos who claimed in the blade of a
power Zeus but before he was able to
kill the God
Athena leaps in front of the sword
saving her father in her dying breath
Athena tells Kratos that Zeus is in fact
Olympus and if he is slain Olympus will
fall and all the gods with him she also
tells him that Zeus is his father which
has little sway over the Spartan as his
father did just kill him once again
using the loom of fate guy and Kratos
create an army of titans recreating the
war between the Titans and Olympians as
they attempt to scale Olympus there is a
huge blow dealt to the Olympians when
together Kratos and Gaia defeat Poseidon
and in turn flood the entire world when
the two finally manage to reach their
way to the top they are greeted by an
eagerly awaiting Zeus who hurls bolts of
thunder knocking them both off and
leaving them to die but Gaia manages to
hang on revealing her true intentions
and leaving Kratos to die once again
this time in the underworld Kratos
defeats Hades and learns how to kill
Zeus just like when he killed Ares he
would need to once again open Pandora's
box but this time the box is hidden
behind the flames of Olympus which can
only be extinguished by Pandora herself
when Pandora attempts to sacrifice
herself Krait have seen her as he would
have seen his daughter attempts to stop
her but despite his best efforts Pandora
eventually breaks free and she's instead
halted by Zeus after a heated exchange
of words the two would once again fight
to the death
this time the confrontation is cut short
when Pandora once again attempts to
extinguish the flames only to be stopped
by Kratos again when Zeus says don't
fail like you failed your family
Kratos lets go of Pandora and the box is
released when the box is eventually
opened crater servals nothing the box is
with Zeus and his son looking onto the
flooded world that had been engulfed in
chaos they prepared for their final
what guy haven't survived earlier has
now reached the top once again and
attempts to kill Kratos and Zeus the two
end up falling inside of guy his chest
where Kratos wouldn't pay all buff Zeus
and guy's heart killing them both with
this final blow Kratos has now defeated
all of the gods and Titans bringing an
end to the Greek pantheon but as you
would expect as Zeus had one last trick
releasing his spirit from his body in
the final attempt to kill his son using
the memories of his wife and daughter
after dealing with years of guilt and
Kratos finally overcomes himself force
and Zeus his spirit back into his body
where he then proceeds to pummel him to
death I guess some people just have
different ways in dealing with their
father issues
Athena appears once again but this time
in her newly transcended form and
reveals that when Kratos opened
Pandora's box for the first time he
unleashed all the evils and fears of the
world upon the gods of Olympus those of
you who are familiar with Pandora's Box
we know that hope was also released and
it was hope that gave Kratos the power
to defeat the gods with his tasks now
complete he's asked by Athena to return
hope to her so she can in turn give it
to humanity but Kratos having no trust
left for any God impales himself
returning hope to humanity directly
rather than given Athena control
infuriated by his action Athena leaves
the God of War to die his final death
and will left the one final cliffhanger
Kratos his body is now gone was a trail
of blood leading to the edge of the
cliff and were given one final shot of
the world in chaos for those of you who
have seen the trailers regarding the new
god of war we see that Kratos is in fact
not dead and has somehow made it to the
Norse world with a son named the Trias
we don't exactly know what adventures
await the two but after seen them
encounter your beg and we can be sure
there'll be just as epic as before I
hope everyone enjoyed today's video and
a brief look at the God of War story so
far feel free to share any thoughts and
ideas with me and if you'd like me to
make a video covering the new god of war
and create a
his journey into Norse mythology and
then please let me know in the comments
below as always I've been your host
ethology in fiction explained.

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