Guide for beginners for CS:GO


how's it going guys in this post I'm

gonna cover five tips to improve your

csgo for beginners I'm gonna cover

crosshairs movement spray patterns map

awareness and economy so let's get into

the video right okay so crosshairs.

Start from here:

So the first thing you do when you're going to see ASCO and you line it up you get this crosshair this is like the default cross it'll be this one or similar I

might be a little bit different I'm not

sure I think they've changed it but this

crosshair is like it's just so bad it's

an awful crosshair it's humongous it

just moves everywhere it's just a

terrible crosshead just do not use it

but what what you want to do is you want

to go into the settings and then go into

the game tab and then on the hub tab go

to the crosshair style and then click on

the drop-down click on classic static

and you'll get a more slick crosshair we

should do anyway this is this crosshair

is like a custom crosshair that I picked

so you might you won't get this on more

likely but you get across that it

doesn't move and I'll explain in the

movements it why people prefer movement

ones but most people prefer static ones

that don't move but yeah it's a lot more

comfortable it's a much better crosshair

than the one that the game actually

gives you so another way to choose a

crosshair as well is downloading this

workshop mat like a community map that

somebody you made and it's the most

useful map ever it's fantastic it's a

crosshair generator it's called like

crashes crosshair.

But what you get to do

is you get to pick any cross hair you

want laughs the wall so these are like

all the pros you can choose their

crosshairs you can choose any content

creators crosshairs but yeah you get to

choose any crosshair on here you could

literally if you want change the color

change the size thickness gap all that

stuff it's really it's just an amazing

amazing map to choose your crosshair on

personally I use devices crosshair and

then what I've done is I've added like

an outline so I have off my bed yeah I

added an outline so yeah I have it like

this because I prefer it that way and

doesn't move and the other thing you get

you get BOTS that you can test out the

crosshair on so I highly recommend just

downloading this map and using just

literally picking a crosshair off the

wall here because it sorts of all the

settings out for you so yeah that's how

you swat your crosshair from the default


Okay so movement so one of the most

important things in csgo is the movement

because the game's so heavily reliant on

it so movement will literally affect how

accurate your shots are so when you

first load up the game and you run like

straight forward your shots are like

totally inaccurate and you're like woah

what the hell is is again this game

sucks I can't even shoot a cure when I'm

moving well that's not serious guys

about so when you what you'll find is

when you stand still you'll have

accurate shots but when you move your

shots will be totally inaccurate and

that's literally what csgo is so if we

go over here and use this bot as an

example when we pick this corner if we

move all the way out we're barely even

gonna hit him but the odds are gonna be

so much slimmer it's actually hitting

like the enemy so if you move all the

way out it's just not gonna work that we

got lucky there but because you're

moving like the accuracy is terrible

whereas if you move and then stop you're

gonna get a lot more accurate shots so

you could leave literally got a adapt

the way that you move to when you shoot

so say if you're picking a corner and

you move all the way out you're not

going to hit accurate shots but if you

move and then stop really suddenly and

then shoot you're gonna be much more

accurate so the main tip here to peeking

corners is instead of running all the

way out just peek and then stop and then

shoot or the most popular way even it's

even hotter it's just incredibly hard to

master like even I'm trying to master it

now but you do a quick peek try and get

like a headshot or something on a one

set like even still I haven't mastered

this but as you can see like it's a lot

more accurate because I'm timing it to

the way to when I stop because the thing

is if you stop and then start moving

back your shots are still gonna be

inaccurate because you're still moving

so when you peek you want to make sure

that you stop before you've actually

taken the shot you don't wanna

out fire stop then shoot then go back

and fire again.

You want to make sure your shots are

always when you're at a still position

or strafing so when you strike you can

get better shots as well

so what strafing allows you to do is it

makes it harder for the enemy to shoot

you so if this guy was trying to shoot

me if you'd find a lot more Hollins hit

me in the head because I'm moving left

and right my camera just died not my

camera my lighting just died and one one

insanely important feature in csgo is

when you're shifting so when you're

running around like this your footsteps

can be heard from anywhere or not from

anywhere but from close quarters

distances through walls and stuff but

when you hold down shift you notice your player will move a lot slower but you move absolutely silently silently so not

anybody can hear your footsteps at all

so this is very crucial when it comes to

like competitive play because you can

sneak around so say this is a player he

wouldn't be able to hear me right now if

I'm moving around like this he will be

able to hear me and what also happens

when you shift is it causes your shots

to be more accurate it's still not as

accurate as standing still but as you

can see I am learning a lot more

headshots but if you move around like

this your shots are just totally

inaccurate so shifting is a very

important role to like adapt to your

game style because it causes you to be

more accurate and it's a very very very

useful feature for when you're making

like actual like pro players and stuff

just to like sneak around the map and

then the other thing to make your shots

more accurate is when you crouch that is

when your shot is the most accurate so

when you're fully crouched and still

your shot will be like the most accurate

it will possibly be but the only

downside to this is that you'll you are

static and you're more of a

vulnerability to being killed because

you're just standing still so if someone

can just easily come and hit shot you so

what a lot of players do is say they

peek and they see someone they'll

instantly crouch and what this does as

well is it it started off the opponent

from when they're trying to shoot you in

the head to say I'll pick this guy in

crouch you might have been aiming at my

head but because I crouched he'll it'll

cause him to miss but then it gives you

the advantage then so they're the main

basic features when it comes to movement

other than V - I won't go

to be hopping in this video because it's

just it's a little bit more complicated

there's a lot of videos where you can

learn about be hopping but personally

I'm pretty bad at be hopping I'm not

that great at be - so going off all the

movement in csgo leads me onto the spray.

Patterns and the spray patterns again is

literally one of the most important

things when it comes to the game so when

you fire your gun you'll notice if you

just don't move your mouse at all your

guns just going to keep going up and up

and up so a certain point where it gets

to this sort of level but how you deal

with that you have to bring your mouse

down and you have to treat it as if it's

recoil like in any other FPS game but in

csgo it's a little is so important

because everything's hipfire other than

the SG and the all which are scoped guns

which I'll show you in a second but when

it comes to spray patterns you'll notice

that you've got a track you got a drag

you'll it takes a lot of time to master

but when you drag your mouse down it

will like control the recoil of your gun

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