How to Improve Your Gaming Like Esports Player

How to Improve Gaming Like a Esport Player

To climb the ranks and become a high skill player,  you need to develop your game-knowledge.  

Top tier players have mental libraries of  information and experience that they can tap  
into during each game. If you want to play at a top-tier rank, you need to develop your  own mental library of game-knowledge. So how can you do that most effectively? Game-knowledge is reliant on 2 aspects;your memory encoding and memory retrieval.  You need to be able to store large amounts of information, then during the game, you  need to tap into your memory vault and recall the information when you need it the most. If your game-knowledge is lacking, or you struggle to recall important information during the game,  you'll make dumb decisions and careless mistakes.And these are the kind of errors that hold you  back from reaching the next level of skill.  

So how can you enhance your memory  storage and retrieval so that you can 
develop top tier game-knowledge and stop  making bad choices during the game?  
Well, while there are many ways to improve  learning and recall, there is one particular 
aspect of your brain's anatomy that already allows  you to conjure vivid memories and emotions with a single . And if you take advantage of this  aspect of your brain's wiring, you might just be able to enhance your memory, game-knowledge, and  ultimately how good of a player you are.  
Consider an experience where you smelled  something that reminded you of a specific 
childhood memory.

Suddenly you're going through a movie reel  of memories that you haven't thought about 
in ages. Complete experiences come  to life on the stage of your mind,with emotions and images suddenly so vivid. How is this possible? How is it that certain smells can tap into our memories so  well? How do they have so much power?  
Well, this might be due to the way our brains  are wired. Incoming smells are processed by the 
olfactory bulb, which begins in the nose and  runs along the bottom of the brain. Here it directly connects to the amygdala and hippocampus,  which are each critical for memory and emotion.  

What's interesting is that other sensory  information like visual, auditory,
and tactile input does not directly pass through  these brain regions. This may be why smell is such a powerful sense when it comes to our memory. But its also a massively underutilized memory tool that most people never really think about. But if utilized in the right way, it can become the source of a powerful  new method for accelerating your learning and recall. So how exactly can you use this  to learn and remember more game-knowledge?  
For example,
if you are studying for an exam while eating an  orange, the citrus scent will attach itself to the information. Then when you take that  exam cutting open an orange or smelling an orange-scented perfume might trigger the  information to come flooding back into your mind.  

This comes back to the commonly repeated phrase in  neuroscience, what gets fired together gets wired 
together. Meaning that when certain regions of  the brain are fired at the same time, they become connected. Then, when one part is stimulated,  it stimulates the other area as well.  
So learning, training, and performing all with  a distinct smell in the room can be beneficial. 
But not all scents have the same effect; in  fact, some research shows how certain aromas like Lavender can have a calming effect that actually  reduces alertness and memory performance.  
All we need to do is take notes from  the ancient greeks.

At that time, there was no research to  show them that this was actually helping, 
but they genuinely believed that their  memory was enhanced with a rosemary aroma.  
Modern research tested this long-standing theory  by examining healthy participants in 6 factors 
representing different aspects of cognitive  functioning. Rosemary produced a significant enhancement of overall quality of memory and  secondary memory, as well as alertness. And their test scores were 15% higher than those who  had been in the room with no aroma! But is rosemary the only  smell with this ability? Well, research also shows promising results  for the scent of peppermint. 
And another study published 18 years  later confirmed these results.
So these scents, in particular, might  just be the key to better memory,whether studying for an exam or trying  to master critical new game-knowledge.  

And consider how these smells can  impact your own learning and memory 
while actively studying new strategies and  guides. Consider how amazing it would be to suddenly have more knowledge during matches, just  because of a particular aroma in the air...  
To become a master at your game, you need to  develop your game knowledge, like a database 
of information that you can pull from during  the game. If your mental database is lacking,or you can't seem to find information when  you need it most, you'll underperform and get stuck at lower levels. But by taking advantage of a powerful human sense, you can begin to build  that mental database more effectively.  
Simply study specific aspects of game-knowledge  with certain essential oils diffused in the air 
or with a scented candle burning. Specifically,  the smell of peppermint or rosemary might help to activate specific areas of your brain  associated with memory. And ultimately, this can help you to learn and improve faster  and recall more information during games.  
Now, this isn't the key to success, but  it is a statistically significant upgrade, 
that might give you even a 5% boost  in the domain of game-knowledge.  
And what's most attractive about this is that  most competitive gamers wouldn't even consider 
looking into this research. So by applying this  for yourself, it can give you an advantage that most will never know about, helping you get one  step closer to top tier esports performance!

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